{{mlc.fscInfo.sportName}} Chat LIVE {{mlc.data.Info.ChatCnt}}
View {{mlc.selectedSlate.Games}} Games
{{game.AwayTeamAbrev}} {{game.AwayTeamScore}} {{game.AwayTeamRecord}} O/U {{game.VegasTotals}} {{game.VegasMoneyLineAway}}
{{game.HomeTeamAbrev}} {{game.HomeTeamScore}} {{game.HomeTeamRecord}} {{game.VegasSpreadHome}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{mlc.fscInfo.sportName}} Chat LIVE {{mlc.data.Info.ChatCnt}}
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{{m.periodName}} {{m.SportName}} {{m.siteName}} Stacks ({{m.selectedSlate.SlateName}})

Last Updated {{m.lastUpdated}}
    Stack Size
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
    Gap Size
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2
    Max TEs
  • 0
  • 1
    Max RBs
  • 0
  • 1
Teams {{filter.name}}X
Stacking Options
Team Opp Stacks({{stk.stacks.length}}) {{sorter.Name}}
+Add Stack {{teamStk.team.Name}} {{teamStk.oppTeam.Name}}
{{ply.LU}}. {{ply.shortName}}, {{ply.POS}}
${{ply.SAL}} | {{ply.PP}} proj
Display All Stacks
0 stacks match the current Filters. Adjust the filters above to change the stacks being displayed here.
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Loading Stacks...
Stack Finder Options

{{m.periodName}} {{m.SportName}} {{m.siteName}} Projections ({{m.selectedSlate.SlateName}})

Last Updated {{m.lastUpdated}}
Optimizer Filters & Sorting View Stacks My Lineups{{mlc.data.LineupCnt}}
Compound Filters Teams Salary {{filter.name}}X
{{sorter.Name}} {{sorter.Desc}}
View Stacks Settings
Important salary data has changed, tap here to refresh.
Showing {{m.salaryListForSelSlate.length}} of {{m.count_filtered+m.salaryListForSelSlate.length}} salaries that match.
Tap here to clear all filters.
{{p.SS==1?'Live':p.SS==2?'Delay':p.SS==3?'PPD':p.SS==4?'Final':''}} {{p.PS}} ({{m.getLegacyPlayerGameStatusText(p)}})
{{p.LoveCount}} {{p.HateCount}}
Player headshot
({{p.OE}}) {{p.Name}} {{p.Name}} {{p.MessageCount}} {{p.PTEAM}} {{p.POS}}
{{p.VersusStr}} ({{p.OppRankStr}}) ({{p.oppPitcher.OE}}) {{p.oppPitcher.Name}}, {{p.oppPitcher.PTEAM}} ({{p.OppRankStr}}) {{p.ShortGameTime}}
{{p.ValueX}} value
Vegas Odds: {{p.vegasTotals}} Total {{m.sportsPointsName}} | {{p.VegasImplied}} Implied {{m.sportsPointsName}}
Ownership: {{p.SlateOwnership}}% Proj
+ -

Loading Projections...
Players ({{m.count_total}}) Players ({{m.count_total}} of {{m.salaryListForSelSlateALL.length}}) Liked ({{m.count_liked}}) Excluded ({{m.count_removed}}) Proj Adjusted ({{m.count_projAdj}}) Exp Adjusted ({{m.count_expAdj}}) Status Chat Tier Value Salary Scored Projection Consensus Max Exp% Time Opponent vs Pos {{m.static.sportSpecificColName0}} {{m.static.sportSpecificColName1}} Consistent Floor Ceiling AlertScore Avg FP {{m.static.impColHeaderName}} Matchup Data SIC Score pOwn actOwn Leverage Safety Admin
{{p.POS}}{{m.showDepth?p.depthOrder:""}} {{p.Name}} {{p.Name}} ({{p.OE}}) • {{p.PTEAM}} {{p.MessageCount}} Tier{{p.Tier}} {{p.ValueX}} {{p.SalStr}} {{p.PS}}
+ -
+ -
{{p.ShortGameTime}} {{p.VersusStr}} {{p.OppRankStr}} {{p.sportSpecificCol0}} {{p.sportSpecificCol1}} {{p.ConfStr}}% {{p.FloorStr}} {{p.CeilStr}} {{p.AlertScore}} {{p.PPG}} {{p.VegasImplied}} {{p.SIC}} {{p.SlateOwnership}}% {{p.ActSlateOwnership}}% {{p.Leverage}} {{p.Safety}}
+ -

Loading Projections...
No salaries available for this site/sport. Check back soon!
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My Lineups ({{m.totalLineupCnt}})

Create Empty Set Upload Lineups CSV From {{m.siteName}}

Optimizing Lineups...
You don't have any lineup sets yet. Tap the 'Optimizer' button to the right and get started optimizing lineups!
{{m.getGenerateModel(set.SetInfo.Model).ShortName}} • {{m.getSlate(set.SetInfo.SlateId).SlateName}} • {{set.SetInfo.LineupCount}} Lineups • {{mlc.getPrettyDate(set.SetInfo.CreatedUtc)}}
Swaptimize Set Sort Lineups Export Set Merge Set Delete Set
Team-Stack Exposure
Team 2 3 4 5+ TOTAL
{{te.Team.Name}} {{te.TwoStack}} {{te.ThreeStack}} {{te.FourStack}} {{te.FiveStack}} {{te.Cnt}}
Player Exposures
Player MaxExp% SetExp%
+ -
{{li.req.PositionName}} {{li.Salary.Name}} PP{{li.Salary.PPL}} {{li.Salary.POS}}{{li.Salary.depthOrder}} {{li.Salary.PTEAM}} {{li.Salary.OTEAM_VS}} {{(li.Salary!=null)?li.Salary.SlateOwnership:0}}% ${{m.getSalaryFromSlot(li)}} {{m.getPointsProjectedFromSlot(li)}} {{li.Salary.PS*li.req.PointMultiplier}}
{{stk.TeamName}} {{stk.cnt}}
Loading Lineups...
{{slot.salary.shortName}} {{slot.salary.shortName}} X
{{ps.shortName}} X
Lineup Optimizer ({{m.selectedSlate.SlateName}})
{{slot.req.Data.PositionNameDisp}} {{slot.salary.Name}} @ vs {{slot.pOwn}} {{slot.SalaryStr}} {{slot.Proj}} X Pick a player or let the optimizer choose
Clear Lineup ${{m.lineupBuilder.SalUsed}} Used ${{m.lineupBuilder.SalLeft}} Left ${{m.lineupBuilder.SalLeftPerSlot}} Per Slot {{m.lineupBuilder.TotalProjected}} Projected
{{m.getLineGenSettingsChanged()}} Settings {{m.generateModel.Name}} Model {{m.incTeamsStr}} Teams Active {{m.count_liked}} Liked Pool {{m.stackOptionsStr}} Team Stacks
OPTIMIZE {{m.getLineGenSetting(102)}} LINEUPS (V3) SAVE LINEUP
Stack Options
Positions allowed in stack
{{opt.Name}} {{opt.Desc}} {{opt.Val1}} max
Move Lineup to New Set
Set Name Model Slate # Lineups Created
{{set.SetInfo.SetName}} {{m.getGenerateModel(set.SetInfo.Model).ShortName}} {{m.getSlate(set.SetInfo.SlateId).SlateName}} {{set.SetInfo.LineupCount}} Lineups {{mlc.getPrettyDate(set.SetInfo.CreatedUtc)}}
{{set.SetInfo.SetName}} {{m.getGenerateModel(set.SetInfo.Model).ShortName}} {{m.getSlate(set.SetInfo.SlateId).SlateName}} {{set.SetInfo.LineupCount}} Lineups {{mlc.getPrettyDate(set.SetInfo.CreatedUtc)}}
Replacing {{m.replacingPlayer.Name}} ({{m.replacePlayerPos}})
{{player.Name}}• {{player.PTEAM}} {{player.OTEAM_VS}} {{player.SalStr}} {{player.UserPP}}
{{m.positionFilterSlot.req.PositionName}} Positions
NOTE: Select the positions you want to use when optimizing this flex spot.
Basics Sorting Optimizer Update Basics
Filters and Sorting Options
Teams Salary
{{sorter.Name}} {{sorter.Desc}}
Salary Reset Salary Filters
Lineup Settings
Reset Settings
{{opt.Name}} {{opt.Desc}} This option is not saved between slates. {{opt.Val1}} max
{{opt2.Val}} max ({{opt2.Pos}})
Team Stacks
Create Stack Requirement
STACK {{$index+1}}{{stk.enabledStr}}
Teams ({{stk.teamsCntStr}}) Options
View Adjustment Type Actions
{{m.count_liked}} Liked Players Clear Liked Players
{{m.count_removed}} Excluded Players Clear Excluded Players
{{m.count_projAdj}} Proj Adjusted Players Clear Projections
{{m.count_expAdj}} Exposure Adjusted Players Clear Exposures
How would you like to export this set?
Upload this file to DraftKingsFanDuelYahoo
1. The Swaptimizer will re-optimize each lineup in this set. (V1 Optimizer)
2. Optimizer settings are used, adjust those first before swaptimizing. Team stacks are not used.
Late Swaptimize Only Only players whose games haven't yet started will be optimized, leaving in place players who are locked.
Save Original Set After the swaptimize operation a new set will be created and the original will also remain. If you disable this, the original set will be deleted.
Allow Duplicate Lineups Since less unlocked players will be available, allow duplicate lineups to be generated.
Upload CSV Lineups File From {{m.siteName}}
1. Make sure the correct slate is selected on LineStar.
2. Download your DraftKings FanDuelYahoo Lineups CSV File.
3. Tap the 'Choose File' button below and select file downloaded in step 2.
4. A LineStar set will be created. These lineups map to your {{m.siteName}} Lineups by ID. Don't change Linup Names.
5. When you export this set, you'll be asked to output as linked.

Uploading lineups...
Map player: {{m.uploadedFileInfo.playerToMap.Name}}
Upload Projections
OR Clipboard Paste
{{val.Name}} {{val.selectedName}} ({{val.index}})
{{m.uploadedFileInfo.namesMapped}} of {{m.uploadedFileInfo.totalRows}} names mapped Save projections Projections saved.
Deselect AllSelect All
Selected teams will be used when optimizating.
Selected teams will be used when stacking for this stack setup.
Set max exposure on selected teams:
Team Max Exp {{ie.Name}}
Actions Visuals Interface
Hide Games View when projections are scrolled down.
Update position filter when auto-progressing builder slot
Update position filter when manually changing builder slot
Hide players projected for 0
Always show lock control on players
Always show exclude control on players
Delete all my optimized lineup sets for this period. Delete Lineup Sets
Resets all projections you have changed. Reset Projections
Reset all players you have liked or faded. Reset Likes & Fades
Export projections to a .csv file for the current slate. Export Projections
Import projections from a .csv file or clipboard.
Data must be comma delimited.
Import Projections
Use Legacy Player Cards
Show headshots in projections.
Show header column for every expanded row
Show player matchup column
Show player alerts column
Show alerts as stars
Whats New?
  • Add this Whats New dialog to let you know what we have been up to!
  • Fixed an issue when Excluding teams in the V3 Optimizer.
  • Connected more stacking options to V3 optimizer.
  • Added Unique Players setting for V3 optimizer.
  • Easier to resize chat window
  • Shrunk the optimizer slots a bit
Compound Filters
Pre-Loaded Filters
Your Saved Filters Create New Filter Export To Clipboard Import From Clipboard
Valid filter data was not found in the clipboard.
Your filter has been exported to the clipboard.
Active Filter Add Group
All filters within this group will evaluate using this operation: Delete Group
Type Filter Operation Value Add Row
Setup Your Chat Account

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BIGPLAY {{msg.GameScore}} · {{msg.GameDesc}} · {{msg.readableTime}} +{{msg.FP_DK}} FP {{msg.TotalFP_DK}} FP Total
{{msg.User.MonthScore}} Admin Featured Fan of Day MVP Expert Expert
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Your Chat Name {{cc.gChatUser.Name}} Set Chat Name Subscription Required
Chat Status {{cc.gChatUser.StatusText}}
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Month Score {{cc.gChatUser.MonthScore}}
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LineStar welcomes contributions from our users. We strive for civil, enlightened discussions on players, matchups, and games. Please abide by our posting standards:
1. Be civil
2. No personal attacks or insults
3. Stay on topic
Users who violate our posting rules will have their comments blocked or deleted. Users who flagrantly violate our standards can have their commenting privileges revoked at the moderator's discretion.
{{slate.Games}} Games
Closed Slates
{{slate.Games}} Games
Games For Selected Slate
{{game.AwayTeamAbrev}} {{game.AwayTeamScore}} {{game.AwayTeamRecord}} O/U {{game.VegasTotals}} {{game.VegasMoneyLineAway}}
{{game.HomeTeamAbrev}} {{game.HomeTeamScore}} {{game.HomeTeamRecord}} {{game.VegasSpreadHome}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}