{{mlc.fscInfo.sportName}} Chat LIVE {{mlc.data.Info.ChatCnt}}
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{{game.HomeTeamAbrev}} {{game.HomeTeamScore}} {{game.HomeTeamRecord}} {{game.VegasSpreadHome}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{mlc.fscInfo.sportName}} Chat LIVE {{mlc.data.Info.ChatCnt}}
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{{game.AwayTeamAbrev}} {{game.AwayTeamScore}} {{game.AwayTeamRecord}} O/U {{game.VegasTotals}} {{game.VegasMoneyLineAway}}
{{game.HomeTeamAbrev}} {{game.HomeTeamScore}} {{game.HomeTeamRecord}} {{game.VegasSpreadHome}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}