{{mlc.fscInfo.sportName}} Chat LIVE {{mlc.data.Info.ChatCnt}}
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{{game.AwayTeamAbrev}} {{game.AwayTeamScore}} {{game.AwayTeamRecord}} O/U {{game.VegasTotals}} {{game.VegasMoneyLineAway}}
{{game.HomeTeamAbrev}} {{game.HomeTeamScore}} {{game.HomeTeamRecord}} {{game.VegasSpreadHome}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{mlc.fscInfo.sportName}} Chat LIVE {{mlc.data.Info.ChatCnt}}
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Hockey Advanced Team Defense Report

Net Team Defense Vs. Position ({{data.PlayerAvgGames}}-Game Player Rolling Avg)
Net Defense is calculated versus players {{data.PlayerAvgGames}} game rolling average. Positive numbers indicate a team is allowing more of a stat versus players avg scoring.
Team Defense Vs. Position (Raw)
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Net Defense Vs. Pos ({{data.PlayerAvgGames}}-Game Rolling Avg) Defense Vs. Pos (Raw)
Team Defense Current Opponent(s) FPPG FPPM {{stat.Abbrev}} FPPG FPPM {{stat.Abbrev}}

Loading Matchup Data...
{{item.team.Abbrev}} {{item.team.rank}} vs {{selectedPosStr}} {{selectedTimeFrameStr}}
{{opp.Name}}, {{item.team.OppAbbrev}}
{{item.data.DVOA.FPPG_val}} {{item.data.DVOA.FPPM_val}} {{item.data.DVOA[stat.StatNameVal]}} {{item.data.Defense.FPPG_val}} {{item.data.Defense.FPPM_val}} {{item.data.Defense[stat.StatNameVal]}}
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Net Team Defense Vs. Position ({{data.PlayerAvgGames}}-Game Player Rolling Avg)
The provided data focuses on adjusting raw defensive statistics per position by considering the quality of opponents faced. It addresses the issue where a team may appear to have a poor defense because they faced exceptional players for multiple games in a row. The adjusted metric calculates the net difference between the points a team allows and a player's average scoring over the last seven games before a specific game occurs. This approach provides a more accurate reflection of a team's defensive performance by accounting for the quality of opponents faced and how well they contain those players relative to their average scoring.
Team Defense Vs. Position (Raw)
This data is strictly the raw defense versus position with no other factors taken into account.
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{{slate.Games}} Games
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{{slate.Games}} Games
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{{game.AwayTeamAbrev}} {{game.AwayTeamScore}} {{game.AwayTeamRecord}} O/U {{game.VegasTotals}} {{game.VegasMoneyLineAway}}
{{game.HomeTeamAbrev}} {{game.HomeTeamScore}} {{game.HomeTeamRecord}} {{game.VegasSpreadHome}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
{{game.PostponeChance}}% {{fscInfo.Sport==3? "PPD" : ""}}
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